Monday, February 18, 2008

Big Adventure, US Politics, 7MW & 31.25%

One week left before the Big Adventure...

Speaking of Big Adventures, it is that time of the year(s) when the US politicians slug it out, first amongst their own parties, then against each other, to take control of the presidency of the Oil Industry, whoops, sorry, United States. Want to know how much each is getting for their Presidential Race from Oil Companies? Check out the link.

Funny thing - the Republicans seems to be getting most of it.

Speaking of Big... now about 7MW of Big? Largest wind turbine EVER: check this puppy out!

And speaking of records broken, how about super efficient solar reflectors, using a Sterling Engine, achieving a 31.25% conversion efficiency:

Hmm, guess I need a pretty large piece of land in Woodstock to erect either of these eco-friendly techs. And my neighbours might object...

1 comment:

CaTT Trim said...

That turbine looks a tad large to be called a "puppy". quite impressive. is it efficient though. How long does it need to run before it makes up for all the resources used to build & erect it? not to mention those to maintain it. Did they do their maths properly, cause it seems to me that the excitement of breaking the record (& being bigger...) might have blinded them to some simple practicalities.

The hyp reminds me a little of the Empire State building... sky scrapers started off as an efficient building technique & then it became a race to build the tallest most impressive one...