Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I spot some irked solar water heater customers

Boom, overnight EKSDOM decides to double its subsidy for Solar Water Heaters:

I can imagine the suckers who bought subsidised systems two years ago (700 of them) and last year (1600 of them) will be pretty irked. Glad I don’t have to deal with those customers phoning in!

But why now? Well, for one think ESKOM is taking some SERIOUS flak over their price tariffs, so why not a little feel-good distraction? And where are they getting the money for this sudden doubling. Oh yes, it’s in the 35% electricity hike. Cool, so those who don’t get a SWH will pay for those who do get one. Hehe.

But I still have my serious reservations about a company who is motivated to make profit through selling electricity running a program designed to reduce the sales of that exact same commodity. Sounds like a conflict in interest to me.

Hmm, guess I might hang around until the subsidy doubles again... or maybe they’ll halve it once they get their price hikes...


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