Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Johanna Shenanigans

What IS going on with the supposed ultra-cheap South African PV invention from Dr Vivian Albers??

Back in 2006, it was announced that by 2007, 1000 modules/day (or 30 MW/year) would be produced from the German factory. By 2010, they were supposed to have THREE factories like this, one of which would be in SA. (See

So one would expect a fair amount to have been produced to date. But how much actually has been produced today? Practically ZERO.

Yesterday it is announced that a large scale commercial project should start in Germany by the end of the year, and that in 2½ years a South African production facility will open. (See

Seems to me like they have some serious issues with ramping up their technology to mass production. Rumour has it that their ovens don’t work so well...

In the mean time, other companies are ALREADY brining similar PV technologies to market. See and

Sounds to me like they have missed the boat and that their dear investors, SASOL and the CEF, who we love to hate, are being driven down the highway to nowhere. This sucks, South Africa could have become a PV leader, but all squandered.


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